Dear Self-Critical Woman,
to walk into any room with the self- assurance of your value and worth!!

Don’t let that pretty smile fool you!
The truth is, I have been exactly where you are right now. After unexpectedly losing my “dream” marriage, “dream” house, “dream” car, “dream” job…. pretty much all the “DREAMS” I thought instilled confidence in me, I began comparing myself to others, especially on social media. I began to think something was wrong with me because I didn’t look like or have the lifestyle it seemed everyone in the “real” world was having. I would simultaneously feel sexy and ugly, brilliant and incompetent. It was if my pretty face had been smashed into a wall of stilettos and they all had crumbled on top of me.
What in the hell was I doing here??!
I mean, all the social media influencers are living the “PERFECT” life… RIGHT?
WRONG!!!! It was time I wiped the running mascara from my face and get slapped with a little dose of unstoppable confidence! And boy did I!!
When I invested in myself, showed up for myself, and started practicing confidence, I discovered…
Confidence isn’t just naturally instilled in all of us. It’s a learned behavior, something we have to nurture, more of a a daily practice. Sooooo, I took what I learned and created a totally amazing badass solution that not only helps you learn WHY you lack confidence but also addresses HOW to overcome the insecurity and negative self-talk to BECOME UNSTOPPABLY CONFIDENT FOREVER!
Confidence is a practice…
It’s not easy being you is it? You’re beautiful, with a smart head on your shoulders, you have a great career, and you think you are pretty badass…. until you don’t.
No matter how many people tell you you’re beautiful, sexy, or smart… you can’t see it when you look in the mirror. You spend hours scrolling through social media comparing yourself to what you “should” look like or what you “would” look like if you just lost the “weight” or had the money for plastic surgery.
Your friends and family don’t understand, so you’ve learned how to hide the harsh and critical words that live deep inside of you. Your continued and desperate attempts to walk into a room with confidence leaves you hating your reflection in the mirror even more and wondering why you never feel good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough.
You put on a performance that has left you mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted… you start to cry. You wonder if there is something wrong with you…
How can others have an unstoppable confidence and you don’t?
Confidence is not a hard-wired trait in your brain! Confidence is a practice!
Doctor’s practice medicine, lawyers practice law, yogi’s practice Yoga.
Confidence is no different! It’s a learned behavior through simple and easy practice.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

client love
If you are someone that wants to be back on track and trying to break through your wall this is for you. I have known her for many years and this girl can get you to the next level.
Thank you for doing this! You are definitely one of a kind. AnnDee McGlory you’ve gone out of your way to check on me and I appreciate that. It’s more than most people do.
Another amazing hour with AnnDee, feeling rejuvenated and relaxed to the max!! Thank you so much!

Confidence is going to look so good on you!!
I will not stop until every woman finds unstoppable confidence and her inner BADASS!!
YOU have the right to feel beautiful and confident!